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Первый курс по MS Project 2010 в он-лайн формате, 20-27 июля 2010 года.

Управление проектами: статьи » Управление проектами: статьи

Первый пакет обновлений для Microsoft Project 2010 (Microsoft Project Service Pack 1)

Дата публикации: 29.06.2011
Версия для печати (доступна только зарегистрированным пользователям)Версия для печати

Подробное описание исправленных ошибок в Microsoft Project 2010 Service Pack 1

Project is very slow to respond when you sychronize with a SharePoint Tasks list.

Changes that you make to the Print Properties dialog settings do not take effect when you print the document.

When you add a task to the timeline and then cut that task and paste it in another location on the timeline, the task will no longer appear on the timeline. The only way to get it to appear on the timeline is to re-open the project plan.

Task information is not imported correctly from a tab-delimited file to a project file on the server.

After you set up a new baseline, the «Baseline Work» and «Work» values do not match.

Saving a file in the Project 2007 format can corrupt the file.

When you remove leveling, pinned tasks that have actuals are moved.

When Project checks to see whether an assignment is over allocated, the program incorrectly checks whether the resource is over allocated at any time during the span of the task. Because of this behavior, assignments may be falsely flagged as over allocated. After SP1, Project instead correctly checks to see whether the resource is over allocated at any time when there is work on the assignment.

Find and replace does not work for some Romanian characters.

Manually scheduled tasks cannot be edited in the time-phased grid.

The date format for the Traditional Chinese version of Project is incorrect.

You are editing a project plan that is stored on a remote computer when the remote computer becomes disconnected. You are prompted to save the file locally, and you click OK. If you cancel the save process, any future saves will cause a crash.

When you have more than one project open and connected to the server and you save a baselines in one of the plans, the timephased baseline data in the other plan is changed.

You cannot add an Active Directory resource to a project by using the Project Standard client.

Data corruption occurs for custom number fields.

When you format a project plan (for example, to change the font or to add cell formatting) and you apply one format, another format is sometimes removed.

The «Show Critical Path» ribbon check box does not work in the Korean version.

The «Merge XML» feature does not allow you to merge custom fields data into an active project plan.

Project does not refresh earned values (such as BCWS) when you click F9.

When a user makes an edit to a task in a project, another task's free slack property should change, but the change does not appear in the user interface next full recalculation.

The Project client crashes when you try to lasso items in Team Planner view.

The lag parameter for a task does not accept values.

When you add a custom field that includes a hierarchical lookup table to a Visual Report, only the lookup table values that are actually being used in the project plan appear in the report.

Scheduled tasks can not be synced between Project client and a SharePoint task list.

When you change the column width or the row height, applied formatting is lost.

«Existing Tasks» is missing from the Timeline shortcut menu.

User-defined filter questions do not work on custom fields that have lookup tables.

After the trial period for Project 2010 expires, users cannot save projects as version Project 2007 files.

A crash occurs when you insert a sub project into the master project, copy or cut one of the tasks from the master project, and then try to paste the task into the sub project.

Text fields are not visible for a project that is saved in Project 2007 format in Project 2010 and then opened in Project 2007.

When you save a project to an external format, such as Excel, CVS or TXT, task GUID is not listed as an available «From: Microsoft Project Field» field.

When the Team Planner view is opened, Project stops responding.

The GetServerProjectGuid method does not return a complete list of the GUIDs for all the projects on the server.

When you try to print or preview a custom report, the preview shows the current view instead of the report that you created.

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