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Current PMI Standards Projects

Дата публикации: 05.09.2008
Источник: PMI.org
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PMI continues to expand and update its library of standards to keep improving as an organization and as a profession. PMI® standards are broken up into five categories:


A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Fourth Edition

Practice Standard for Project Estimation

Practice Standard for Project Risk Management


The Standard for Program Management — Second Edition


Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) — Second Edition

The Standard for Portfolio Management — Second Edition


Unified Project Management Lexicon

For information on completed PMI standards, visit the Library of Global Standards


A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Fourth Edition (Q4 2008)
PMI’s core standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), is planned to be updated and published concurrently with The Standard for Program Management — Second Edition, The Standard for Portfolio Management — Second Edition, and Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®)Second Edition. The project team for the PMBOK® Guide Fourth Edition seeks to review, validate and update the PMBOK® Guide Third Edition. The team’s activities will include:

  • Determining whether material that was deferred during the development of the PMBOK® Guide Third Edition is relevant to the new edition
  • Deciding whether any feedback PMI has received since the initial development of the publication is relevant to the PMBOK® Guide Fourth Edition
  • With the assistance of PMI staff, tracking disposition of all exposure draft recommendations, suggestions and feedback, including any appeals and their resolution
  • Reviewing and revising when necessary all text and graphics in the standard
  • Ensuring harmonization with any relevant PMI standards
  • Submitting recommendations to the standards manager for concepts, approaches and tools deferred from this standard that may be candidates for inclusion

This update is being led by Cynthia Stackpole, project manager. This project team is now closed to volunteers. For more information on this standard, contact Kristin Vitello, PMI Standards Project Specialist.

To View 3rd Edition Excerpts click here

Practice Standard for Project Estimation
Practice Standards are guides to the use of a tool, technique or process identified in the PMBOK® Guide or other PMI general Standard. PMI is in the process of developing it newest practice standard: The Practice Standard for Project Estimation. In this standard, estimation is being developed as it applies to project management (resource, cost and duration estimation) specifically as outlined in the upcoming (2008) PMBOK® GuideFourth Edition.

This update is being led by Shelly Brotherton, project manager. For more information on this standard, contact John Zlockie, PMI Standards Manager.

Practice Standard for Project Risk Management (2009)
PMI is committed to providing standards for the project management profession that are widely recognized and consistently applied. PMI's core standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Third Edition, focuses on managing one project. Risk management is a technique defined in the PMBOK® Guide, and PMI has seen significant interest from the project management community for detailed information regarding this technique. In 2006, the PMI Standards Program chartered a project to develop and deliver a document that can be adopted as a PMI Practice Standard for Project Risk Management.

Cindy Berg, PMP, has been named as the project manager for this project. For more information on this standard, contact Nan Wolfslayer, PMI Standards Compliance Specialist.

The Standard for Program Management — Second Edition (Q4 2008)
The Standard for Program ManagementSecond Edition is planned to be published concurrently with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fourth Edition, The Standard for Portfolio ManagementSecond Edition, and Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®)Second Edition. The team’s activities will include:

  • Determining whether material that was deferred during the development of The Standard for Program Management is relevant to the new edition
  • Deciding whether any feedback PMI has received since the initial development of the publication is relevant to The Standard for Program ManagementSecond Edition
  • With the assistance of PMI staff, tracking disposition of all exposure draft comments, suggestions and feedback, including any appeals and their resolution
  • Reviewing and revising when necessary all text and graphics in The Standard
  • Ensuring harmonization with any relevant PMI standards
  • Submitting recommendations to the standards manager for concepts, approaches and tools deferred from this standard that may be candidates for inclusion

This update is being led by Frank Parth, project manager. For more information on this standard, please contact Kristin Vitello, Standards Project Specialist.


Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) — Second Edition (Q4 2008)
Just as individuals benefit from achieving personal maturity, organizations can now benefit from achieving organizational project management maturity. OPM3 offers the key to organizational project management maturity with three interlocking elements:

  • Knowledge
  • Assessment
  • Improvement

The online (OPM3 Online) and book combination offers a comprehensive approach to help organizations assess and develop their ability to deliver projects successfully, consistently and predictably. For more information about OPM3, visit OPM3 Online or OPM3® ProductSuite or read the OPM3 frequently asked questions.

Tim MacFadyen, PMP, is the project manager on this update, set to be finished in the fourth quarter of 2008. This project is currently closed to volunteers. If you have an inquiry regarding OPM3®Second Edition, please contact Nancy Wilkinson, Organization Product Specialist

The Standard for Portfolio Management — Second Edition (Q4 2008)
The Standard for Portfolio ManagementSecond Edition is planned to be published concurrently with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fourth Edition, The Standard for Program ManagementSecond Edition, Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®)Second Edition. The team’s activities will include:

  • Determining whether material that was deferred during the development of The Standard for Portfolio Management is relevant to the new edition
  • Deciding whether any feedback PMI has received since the initial development of the publication is relevant to The Standard for Portfolio ManagementSecond Edition With the assistance of PMI staff, tracking disposition of all exposure draft comments, suggestions and feedback, including any appeals and their resolution
  • Reviewing and revising when necessary all text and graphics
  • Ensuring harmonization with any relevant PMI standards
  • Submitting recommendations to the standards manager for concepts, approaches and tools deferred from this standard that may be candidates for inclusion in the next update.

Larry Goldsmith, PMP, is the project manager. For more information on this standard, contact Elaine Lazar, PMI Standards Project Specialist.


Unified Project Management Lexicon
For project management to reach the status of professions such as law, medicine or engineering, project management practitioners must have an integrated foundation of practices, examinations and certifications. All of these elements require that we have a terminology set that is specific, non-ambiguous and broadly used. The Lexicon project aims to develop a unified dictionary for the project management community.

For more information, contact Elaine Lazar.

Future Standards Projects:

  • Practice Standard for Earned Value ManagementSecond Edition

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OPM3 - кто-нибудь пробовал? - 15.09.2008 (3), Николай Широков, начальник проектного офиса, компания "ZerK"

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